How can Geologists help with looming agricultural and technological crises? Remote sensing and progress in prospecting of some resourceful geological objects can do the trick.
Every year there is an increasing deficit in critical compounds, metals especially that are in high demand by agriculture (fertilizer industry), electronics, energy accumulation industries. According to analysts, there is a rising world crisis in industrial metals and minerals. (Source)
For example, the cost of mertric ton of K2O potash have gone from $400 in 2007 to $700 in 2011. Source - US Geological Survey
Recently, the modern technologies of recovery – hydrometallurgy (which had a “jump” in ten last years, based on modern low-price ion-exchange materials) formed the large interest in geological objects, which are not highly in recovery now but contain incredible wealth of these materials.
The remote sensing interpretation which Terra Exploro developed proven expertise allows exposing such objects very quickly and with low cost and consequently take them under exploration and recovery with a high profit margin. Remote sensing provides very good orientation (tool) to “traditional” geologists in prospecting of deficit minerals, compounds concentrating in discovered geological fields.
The remote sensing method have been successfully tested by Terra Exploro in several African, Middle East, South American countries leading to discoveries of minerals, compounds that highly in demand by fertilizer, chemical, metallurgy, electronic industries. Terra Exploro concentrates onf geological objects such as salars and ancient dykes to find these elements.
SALARS (salt lakes, salt flats)
Salt lakes, salt flats – (on photos below – recovery examples of such objects in Chile, Nevada) – are one of the primary sources of Salts and Potashes (fertilizers, other chemicals). They often include Lithium (key ingredient of energy accumulators in car and others industries), Rare Earthes (electronics) and other high prices compounds as admixtures.
Terra Explore have recently exposed some new, very productive salars in Argentina and Africa and is looking for an investor to partner in developing these objects.
These are the ancient volcanoes. Very well recognizable on space images (examples on photos below – dykes in Niger and Iran). All these objects (especially carbonatite dykes) are the best source of phosphates, iron ore, copper, nickel, titanium, uranium, sometimes – gold, etc.
Terra Explore have recently exposed some new, very productive dykes in Asia and Africa and is looking for an investor to partner in developing these objects.
Industry overview by its leaders:
On oil/gas exploration:
“...clearly in the US there is a shortage [of prospects]. That is why we have high gas prices, because we are not producing as much oil and gas and we are not producing enough because we cannot find it [in places that are easy to get to] anymore” - David Trice, CEO of Newfield Exploration, Oil & Gas Magazine, January, 2006. p. 32.
“There is no shortage of oil and gas in the ground. But quenching the world's thirst for them will call for a major investment in the modern technologies” - Claude Mandil, Executive Director of International Energy Agency.
“The world, according to the [IEA] study, contains at least 20 trillion boe of oil and gas, about half of it conventional and 5 to 10 trillion boe now technically recoverable” - Oil & Gas Magazine, January, 2006, p.38.
On expertise needed to find natural resources:
“…We don't have sufficient depths of really experienced talent we can pull on…” - Louis Raspino, CEO, Pride International, Oil & Gas Magazine, p.32.
“Over the past 10 to 15 years there has been a gap where we kind of lost a generation of workers who were not attracted to the industry, and that is definitely a hole that needs to be filled.” - Park Sharper, president of Kinder Morgan, Oil & Gas Magazine, p. 29.
Terra Exploro